Polycolor US

Polycolor US is paste color for unsaturated polyester resin for button, casing artificial marble decorative board, and fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) products such as boats, bath tubs, water tanks, septic tanks, corruguted sheets etc.

Button FiberDoor
 CarPart  Ship
 FiberGlassRock  WaterTank

Polycolor EP

Polycolor EP is paste color for both solvent and non-solvent type epoxy resins for casting encapsulation, electrical purpose, pipe, adhesive sealant and floor coating.

EpoxyFloor PipeColoring
 Casting Encapsulation  ElectronicPart


 Polycolor PV

Polycolor PV is a paste color for PVC plastisol for PVC casting, rack dipping process.

KeyChain Helmet


Polycolor PU

Polycolor PU is a paste color and liquid color for dosing unit machine. They are suitable for both polyether and polyester polyurethane for flexible foam integial foam and RIM, with or without UV stabilizer as customer required.

ShoeSone Sponge Wheels


Polycolor CR

Polycolor CR is a paste color for coating synthetic leather both polyurethane and acrylic rubber base resin.


Product code Description
Black PU 2755 Black paste for urethane base resin
White PU 3003 White paste for urethane resin
White AC 5373 White paste for Acrylic rubber base
Black PUN 2529 Black paste for PVC base